Plan Education and Workshops
Spectrum Financial offers free custom seminars to educate your employees about their retirement plan.
We have found that even if your firm has a 401(k) provider, often times many of your employees are still uncertain or confused about their investment choices and options. Therefore, they do not take advantage of your plan or are unaware of how to build a portfolio that adequately prepares them for retirement. We customize your seminar to educate your employees about the nuances of your company's unique plan. We have conducted seminars for major corporations like General Motors and Modern Engineering, as well as Macomb County and City of Troy residents.
The workshops assist your firm in your fiduciary role and can be coordinated with your company's benefit program or human resources department. The seminars are strictly educational and promote no specific product or strategy. Spectrum does not solicit your employees, but we do offer them a free consultation if they would like to meet with us.
If you are a business owner or human resource professional, and are concerned that your employees are not increasing their rate of savings to adequately prepare for retirement, please call 248-643-0033 for more information on how to provide free educational seminars!
Workshop Topics:
Selection of Workshop Topics
Your Retirement Plan-How Do You Make Sense of the Investment Options? There are so many options and it seems overwhelming; what do you do? Gain insight into your company's plan and determine what you can do to take full advantage of it.
Your 401(k)-How Do you Make Choices that Will Suit Your Needs? Are you sure you are doing what is best with your 401(k) to suit your lifestyle? Coordinate your company retirement plan with who you are and where you want to be.
Asset Allocation in a Volatile Market-Does it Really Help? Is asset allocation the same as diversification? Find out how the appropriate mix of investments may help you rise above uncertain market conditions and may minimize losses.
Designating Proper Beneficiaries-Is It Important in Estate Planning? Do you know that you may save substantial taxes on your 401(k) and IRA? How does your trust affect your beneficiaries? Learn how to preserve your legacy so your beneficiaries can avoid probate.
Retirement-How Much Money is Enough to Live On? What determines my monthly retirement budget? How might asset allocation protect my portfolio? Learn how to plan for a secure retirement.
A Car, A Boat or Your 401(k)-Which is the Best Decision for You? Why do you need to consider your 401(k) at this stage in your life? Are the tradeoffs worth the sacrifices? Learn how and why you can benefit by using your 401(k) account.
This is a sample of some of the workshops available.
We can also customize a seminar for your company.